Presentation Given To FDC From The ICS

Integrated Care System – North Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Care Partnership
John Rooke
Managing Director, North Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Care Partnership

During our opportunity to question the CEO Mr John Rooke, (only 3 Whittlesey Councillors attending the online meeting).
Myself, Cllrs Boden & Miscandlon made the point that neither Peterborough/Whittlesey had featured in the presentation to any extent.

I made it clear to Mt Rooke of the serious issues we were having at The New Queen Street Surgery. I got the ‘impression’ that Mr Rooke needs to come out of his glass palace and see for himself what is going on at ground level.

Of course we know that the answer that Surgeries are giving revolves around the statistics, which is masking what is actually going on.
I agree to an extent that in the last few week, the number of complaint received has dwindled to near zero – is that because people have given up.

Some good reading below will take time to take it all in…..

2024_04_29 FDC ICS All Members Seminar
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