Movie Evening At Queen St Church

Whittlesey Movie Evenings
At Queen St Church – Saturdays, fortnightly.
Doors open 6.30 for 7pm start.
Sat. 18th November

                         “Save The Cinema”- cert 12A
                                    (Comedy / Drama)


Save the Cinema is the true story of Liz Evans, who lives in Carmarthen South West Wales,
who starts a campaign in the 90s to save the local Cinema/ Theatre (the Lyric Cinema). With the help of Richard Goodridge a local politician they get Steven Spielberg to show a premiere of Jurassic Park at the Lyric in a bid to Save the Cinema.

You are all invited to come along to our warm building for a top-class
movie screening plus refreshments served during the interval. No charges
are made for admission, however we are fundraising to improve disability
access and our appearance at the front entrance so all proceeds this
winter are going towards this scheme and we ask that any donations you
make are as generous as you can afford. Thank you!

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