Monthly Archives: June 2023

SaxonGate News – AW Jenkinsons – Update

Following the decision by Fenland District Council to use their delegated powers to refuse the retrospective planning application for this ongoing operation. We have been informed today that, despite the refusal  AW Jenkinsons (Forest Products) of Cumbria will be allowed … Continue reading

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Updated – Council Offices Are Closed for Holidays

The Town Clerk is having her holidays and unfortunately there were not enough ‘Volunteers’ to man the offices as we have done in the past. There is a notice on the door/window advising on how to contact your Councillor. The … Continue reading

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NHW Week #2

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NHW Week #1

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Excellent NHW Meeting

15 Members of Whittlesey & District Neighbourhood Watch met last night, welcoming 3 new members to the group. Recently a total of 7 residents have signed up to be ‘Better Neighbours’. This week I’ll be promoting NHW and the very … Continue reading

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Guided Walk The Fen Edge Trail

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NHW Meeting Tonight @ 19:00

Whittlesey Neighbourhood Watch Group will be holding an ‘open meeting’ today Monday 19:00 at Peel House (Old Police Station – through central gates – to Council Chambers). All are welcome.

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Time To Have YOUR Say –

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Your Chance To Learn About Rocks

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Nice Coffee & Cake Morning – Whittlesey Festival

Raising funds for this years Whittlesey Festival – Coffee & Cake morning @ Childers.

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Making Connections Information

(RG Note there are many concerns over these consultationsin respect of Congestion Charging and 15/20 Minutes Zones.) Greater Cambridgeshire Partnership update This week we have seen a huge amount of interest in the launch of the Making Connections consultation report. … Continue reading

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Pathway News This Week

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