Monthly Archives: June 2023

Major Wall Renovation Completed Today

The Portland Stone Wall facing Station Road @ 1 Portland Place has now been completed. Some 4+ weeks of TLC and a vast cost. The Holm Oak Tree is the issue, but has a ‘TPO’ – Tree Preservation Order on … Continue reading

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Fancy A Game Of Table Tennis – Now Fixed

It has taken some time….doesn’t it always! – but at long last, the Table Tennis Tables at The Manor, have been re-seated on concrete bases and are almost ‘level’ – Anyone for a game of Ping-Pong…..

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News Update March Broad Street Upgrade

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Problems Don’t Go Away @ Weekends…..

I could ‘ignore’ until Monday – but what’s the point – it just backs up and if I or you report issues, it will be picked up as soon as those officials are back to work. Ongoing sewage issues with … Continue reading

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Sustainable Travel Zone (Congestion Charge By Another Name)

They don’t call it a Congestion Charge and use several other names! 4 Hour debate – who watched !, Has any notice been taken of the number of objections ! All very well for Cambridge, but as with the recent … Continue reading

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Getting There – Nearly Complete

Whittlesey will soon go on the map as having a ‘Supermarket’ – yes we have some what are termed convieient stores… but very soon German Supermarket will have their ‘ALDI’ here on Eastrea Road Whittlesey. Many on this web-blog are … Continue reading

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Lovely – Hot Afternoon On Coates North Green

Some said too Hot….never satisfied, last week too Cold…. Well done again to the organisers of this years Coates Fete On The Green. Plenty enough people and Pubs doing a roaring trade, I settled more for Tea and Cake in … Continue reading

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Common Myths About Contacting The Police…

When it comes to contacting us, there are now many different options. Web chat, online reports, social media, 999, 101!  But how much do you really know about contacting us? Do we recommend that you visit a police station to … Continue reading

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Saxongate News-Letter

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Whittlesey Walking Group Enjoy The QEII Platinum Wood

The Thursday Whittlesey Walking Group, enjoy a short break by the recently installed King Charles Coronation Bench (Whittlesey Town Council/Lottery Funded) within the peace and quite of The QEII Jubilee Wood (Whittlesey). Further posts coming….and the offical lauch. Several of … Continue reading

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Pathway News This Week

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Scam – Do NOT Open Attachments……Unknown Source

Many Councillors today received an e-mail from a Councillor (unknow to us) One or more Councillors opened up the attachment and found the following message, standard type scam message – the problem is – did the attachment have any ‘virus’ … Continue reading

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