Monthly Archives: January 2023

Wouldn’t It Be Nice If We Had A Welcoming Police Station?

Having fought for some time and lost to retain our local police station – I will never give up…sorry – The professionals always tell me – we do not need a police station any more, because of modern, mobile policing….I … Continue reading

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Theft of Registration/Number Plates in Whittlesey

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More Rubbish – Controversy

Local Social Media enthusiast Roy B, has posted up (I am sent) another case of ‘Rubbish’ Whether or not it belongs to the adjacent business (Saxon Petrol Station) or not remains to be confirmed or proven – but who-ever – … Continue reading

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Who Dumps A Fridge/Freezer In The Play Park….

Some brainless person(s) dumped a fridge/freezer at the Station Road Play Area. Humping this would have taken some effort by more than one person I would have throught – I just can not understand – they could have left it … Continue reading

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Another Wonderful Return & Thanks To The Volunteers…..

click on picture to enlarge. Thanks to RB & ED

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Welcome Back – SB 2023

Wishing everyone a wonderful Straw Bear Festival – welcome back.  

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It Could Be Good News For Fenland Ratepayers…

Agenda for Overview and Scrutiny Panel on Monday, 16th January, 2023, 1.30 pm Click Here To See The Agenda ‘Nearly’ everyone want more money/tax from us all – there is a squeeze, however Fendland District Council part of your/our rates … Continue reading

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One Small Step Again – Makes A Big Difference

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I ‘Wonder’ Will Fenland Get One….

We are ‘told’ frequently that the road sweeper and street sweeper are in Whittlesey regularly – I often challenge this, because unless they are doing it in the middle of the night – they seem pretty inconspicuous to me and … Continue reading

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Oh No – Not Another Survey

I have asked this ‘question’ on many occasions – how much notice do ‘these’ people take of the survey results – in many cases it is seen as a ‘box ticking’ exercise to appease authorities and government. Still this one … Continue reading

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Pathway News This Week

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A (Not So) Good Start to the New Year..

(click on picture to enlarge)

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