Monthly Archives: September 2022

Another Wonderful Night of Music

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Pathway News This Week

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Date of Event Changed

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Books of Condolence

You are welcome to pay tribute to our late Queen – there are books of condolence at:- Whittlesey Town Council Offices – Queen Street Whittlesey Friday until 12:00 and Saturday 09:00 – 12:00 It is located in the reception area … Continue reading

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Call to donate school uniform to help families in Fenland

Local people are being asked to get behind a scheme to help families struggling with the costs of back to school especially uniform and shoes. The Think Communities team from Cambridgeshire County Council were in Wisbech on Monday (15) running … Continue reading

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Recycling @ Grosvenor North Car Park

Although not my Council area, I have reported the overflowing recycling bins and 2 days later the ‘Bottle Banks’ were collected and new ones placed. There are issues with the Recycled Paper Bins…’Aysesford Newsprint’ do not opperate any more, plus … Continue reading

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Whittlesey War Memorial Yesterday

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Another Very Productive Meeting This Evening

The Whittlesey Focus On Community Group only formed just over a year ago, the group have a very diverse membership of committed volunteers and support workers, a busy agenda was well covered and some very encouraging updates in the pipeline.

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An Individual Choice

Should the planned Whittlesey Fair go ahead this weekend, should Shops stay open on Monday. The general feeling from Whittlesey Councillors was the event should not go ahead, that was not the view of all Councillors. I see that many … Continue reading

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Tonights WFOC Meeting

As you are aware I go to ‘lots’ of meetings and attend many groups. I have done so for over 15 years, I like to see and hear things live not by hearsay. Tonight is the meeting, is The Whittlesey … Continue reading

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U3A This Afternoon Wednesday 14th September

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Good News For Church Street-Ramsey Road Residents.

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