What happens when I submit an online report?

In non-urgent instances, we are urging you to utilise our online report forms, where you can tell us about road traffic incidents, domestic abuse, antisocial behaviour, fraud and more. 

But what exactly happens when you submit an online report to us?

1 – Report is received 

Once a crime is reported through our contact centre, a call taker will complete a THRIVE assessment. This considers the:

·  threat to the individuals involved

·  harm associated to the crime

·  the investigation needed to solve the crime 

·  the vulnerability of the parties involved

·  the level of engagement from the parties involved 

2 –  IMU review the report 

The investigations management unit (IMU) then review all crime reports that require further investigation. The team will ensure the relevant information has been collected to investigate further. At this point, the IMU may decide to close the case if there is not enough evidence, no willing witnesses or no statements. 

If the IMU feel that the crime needs to be investigated further, a crime is raised and a reference number will be given. 

3 – Crime is raised 

If the crime has the evidence required to investigate, the report will be allocated to an officer and the investigation will begin. We will always get in contact with a victim of crime, but the time in which this takes us to do so can sometimes vary. 

You can view our report forms here. 


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