Having A Go…(Again)

On Sunday at Music on the Square, I was approached by an aggrieved resident who asked me what ‘we’ were doing about Inhams Road and Station Road in respect of HGV’s. I tried to explain to Mr M that I am a Town Councillor and Highways comes under a County Councillor remit, however I was up to speed and well aware of the ‘issues and concerns’ of both Inhams Road and Station Road.
I tried to explain, that the strategic Highways route was formulated many years ago by various agencies and it has been the perfered route coming from the A605 to the industial area – not ideal by any means but until a ‘relief road’ is considered/built, there is very little that can be done. Mr M was not impressed at all and thinks a better route should be directed through Eastrea – realy – has he been to Whype Road or Mayfield Road – plus there is a weight limit in place?
So because the answer (facts) that I gave to Mr M didn’t ‘suit’ his agurment he went off in a huff….. I am sorry Mr M, maybe a bit of research on your behalf may have been a better starting point.
I will take the issues he raise to the County Councillor – that is my remit.

ps Mr M lives on Marne Road off Station Road – Not my ward area, maybe his own Councillor(s) could answer his questions…..

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