At Last Nights Community Projects Meeting – Music Events

Chaired by Cllr Mockett, attended by 3 Councillors on the CP committee and 1 member attending as public Cllr Dorling.
During the public forum, Cllr Dorling asked several questions on how the future of the music events could moved forward.
A robust debate between myself and Cllr Mockett aired several options along with the statistics (published here earlier today) from the recent poll.
I and possibly other Councillors are very sympathetic in supporting an event in Coates.
However there are lots of planning and challenges to see through before that may happen.
I have suggested that  we keep the 3 (successful) events on the Market Place and add one extra event for Coates. The budget for 2023 will not be on the agenda until January 2023.
There will be local elections next May, a number of Councillors have already stated that they will be retiring.
There will (hopefully) be some ‘New/Dynamic/Forward Thinking Councillors that can address this with a fresh look and view – we will have to wait and see.

ps…. Did I read correctly that some Facebook Warrior offered to Litterpick should an event take place – maybe they should join me and several others that clean up at the Music Events – and get some practice in before then ?
That would be nice….?

The next Music – On The – Square (Whittlesey) will be taking place on….
Sunday 14th August….

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