At 08:30 yesterday as I was waiting to start my ‘volunteer’ role at the BIG BASH –
When I was verbally attacked and abused by a man and woman who were unhappy that a part (small) of the Manor Field was being used for car parking, I tried to engage with said man and woman who’s expletives carried on for some time, he was also somewhat very aggressive in his nature – He had a go at me being a Councillor – I was not in my capacity as a Councillor – I was a ‘volunteer’.
To say I was shocked is an understatement – not expected on a Sunday morning at 08:30 – I suggested that the gentleman seek ‘Anger Management’ which he took some exception too….. Fortunately it was witnessed by a member of the public.
The rest of the day was enjoyed by several thousand adults and children and I met a lady who visited the BB from Blackpool…..
Well done Robert Windle and all the supporters for another very successful day.
Myself, Robin S and Robert B – At the NHW stand – Golden Age Fair.
No space for the Gentleman & Wife to walk their dog – picture taken around 13:00