Whether it be this administration or the previous one and don’t start me on Cllr Steve Count….Full of promises, in this case our environment on cleaner places to live.
With our town known to have poor air quality, what are we getting from Cambs Highways – nothing –
The latest planning application approved for Johnsons Aggregates for at least 25,000 extra HGV’s a year, the next application with ‘just’ 18 HGV’s daily (5,500 a year) + 100 employees and more to come.
20+ years ago I suggested to Cllr Ralph Butcher that we had a local environmental tax placed on what was then suggested a million tons of rubbish coming from London to fill up our empy brick pits…they all looked in amazement.
These days many towns and cities have brought in clean air tax to discourage those that pollute the most – I quote from Portsmouth City Council….
Air pollution is the biggest environmental killer in the UK, so it’s vital for us to take steps to make the air we breathe cleaner for everyone.
I am of course waiting for a Bus to arrive – would that be an electric bus – looks like I’ll be waiting for while then?