We came as well prepared as possible, 3 objectors and County Councillor Chris Boden.
I had attended a pre meeting yesterday with The SaxonGate group and we went through our presentations.
As I and others have said – This is a very robust planning application and leaves very little in respect of ‘Planning Grounds’ to object or refuse the application.
You can see the whole meeting (and can fast forward) by clicking this link
(3) Planning Committee – YouTube
I was first public speaker which starts at around 1 hour 2 minutes into the meeting.
The group put forward ALL the concerns that residents have brought to us over the last 2 years, Noise, Pollution, Traffic, Smells, Environmental impact, Carbon Footprint, Carbon Offset. Volume of HGV’s Particulate Matter, CO2 NO2 and many other concerns.
Much of our objections in the 3 consultations were addressed and some success out of those objections were taken onboard.
Many of our concerns were not materialistic planning reasons for refusing the application.
I’ll not dwell much more, those interested can view the proceedings on the link above, it was a good meeting and in the end Johnsons have made some adjustments to their working hours. The meeting lasted for over 2 hours.
Remember there is a post meeting tomorrow at the Falcon at 7pm – I have given my apologies I’ll be at a WTC meeting.
CCC – Youtube© RG giving his presentation today at Cambs CC Planning Committee.
CCC – Youtube© Steve Hodson on behalf of The SaxonGate Group giving his presentation today at Cambs CC Planning Committee.
CCC – Youtube© Chris Morgan on behalf of Kings Delph Group giving his presentation today at Cambs CC Planning Committee.
CCC – Youtube© County Councillor Chris Boden giving his presentation today at Cambs CC Planning Committee.
The decision was 6 votes to propose the application be granted and 2 votes against – one being County Councillor for Whittlesey Cllr David Connor.
Having spent the best part of a thousand hours over 2 years on this application, I feel not let down but deflated – we have to accept the decision and now work with Johnsons to ensure that the processes in place work for us all.
On the other hand – I am an OAP – but if not then…….