Monthly Archives: January 2022

Message From CEO NHS Cambs & Peterborough to NQS PPG

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Fake Banking Apps – Yes There Are Many

Fake banking apps are available to download from both the Apple Store and Google Play, apps that fraudsters could use to scam people. The link below relates to a Wiltshire media article and provides more detail of the scam in … Continue reading

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Latest Local COVID Stats

Maybe – just maybe – the rates are trending downwards…

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Excellent Planning Training Today.

First in a 10 month program to give Councillors (District and Town/Parish) ongoing training on planning matters. I was pleased today as the only Town Councillor to attend along with Whittlesey/Coates 3 District/Town Councillors, Cllrs Mayor, Laws & Miscandlon. Todays … Continue reading

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WTC Planning Meeting Last Night

Disclaimer: These observations are not the ‘official’ minutes of the meeting, these are supplied by Whittlesey Town Council, normally (1) month following this meeting and can be viewed on their website.Decisions and Voting at this meeting may be ratified and … Continue reading

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Spread The Word…..

Again, I have been lobbied by a number of residents who have issues and concerns of the ‘smell & noise’ allegedly coming from the Saxon area. This has been previously reported and I would ask that residents who do have … Continue reading

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PCC Precept Survey

Police and Crime Commissioner, Darryl Preston is asking Cambridgeshire and Peterborough residents to give their views on his proposed increase to the policing part of council tax in a short survey. The survey was launched yesterday (6th January) and will … Continue reading

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NHW News

Happy New Year, and welcome to our first newsletter of 2022 for Neighbourhood Watch supporters across England and Wales! This year, we are thrilled to be celebrating 40 years since the first Neighbourhood Watch group was formed in the UK … Continue reading

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Latest COVID Stats

Large decrease for Whittlesey – Small increase for Coates.

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Latest Correspondence From Environment Agency – Saxon Pit

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Latest COVID Stats

A small decrease for Whittlesey.

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WTC Planning Committee Agenda 12th January

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