KD X Update

(click on picture to enlarge)

A message from the King’s Dyke project team:

The deck of the railway bridge (pictured left) has been waterproofed and is ready for the next step, the installation of kerbs and ducts.

Work on the ducting between the bridge and the eastern tie-in (pictured right) is nearing completion, with more kerbs to be installed in the coming week.

Meanwhile, work on the drainage system between the underpass and the western tie-in will continue for the next few weeks.

Finally, we’d like to hear from you – we have launched a comms survey to gather feedback and opinions from local residents, businesses and commuters about the King’s Dyke project. We’d be grateful if you could please complete the short survey
http://bit.ly/KingsDykeSurvey and please share it with anyone else you know in the area.

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