Monthly Archives: August 2021

No WTC Meeting This Month – Other News Information – CCTV

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FDC Planning Committee Agenda 18th August

Coates and Whittlesey included in applications….

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The Debacle Continues – We Still Need Answers

Some latest information regarding answers to Fenland District Council’s questions on the ‘Hazardous Waste’ deposited at The Saxon Pit. Although the answers given go some way – they still do no tells us the breakdown and consistuents of the ‘Hazardous … Continue reading

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Last Opportunity To Visit a Bit of History

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Offical Ribbon Cutting – Manor Field Picnic Bench Project

Photos Courtesy RWT Photography / Fenland Youth Radio

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Countdown For The Big Bash

All indoor stalls have been taken up, if your group wishes to attend now – only outside space availible.

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Bit of Fun for a Sunday

Just loved this video and reminds me of nearly everyone walking around.  

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Good To See Manor Bowls Hedge – Cut

4 Gangs of contractors this morning tackled the Manor Bowls Club Hedging.

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One Tree Problem Sorted -!

Last week a very large branch fell off a tree in the Manor Field, this was reported to me by a concerned member of the public, I went had a look myself and reported to FDC, today (Saturday) – Tree … Continue reading

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Everyone’s Entitled To Their Opinion – Well Nearly Everyone!

An article sent to me from Cambridgeshire News Someone (nameless as usual) is having a real good moan about our town of Whittlesey. ‘Brutal Review Slams Cambs Town as ‘dull lifeless damp cloth of a settlement’ A review posted on … Continue reading

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Rule Change To COVID Testing Stations

Grosvenor Road – The Testing stations in Whittlesey have become pretty popular, in the past you could just turn up and get a test. That is not the case anymore. In order to obtain a test you’ll need to pre-book … Continue reading

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COVID – Please Be Careful Infection Rates Well Up

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