No Confusion Face Coverings

The Governments changing of scientific experts advice has been going on from day 1 – ‘evolving’ – However I can only watch what has happened in other countries where Face Coverings have been mandatory for months – ‘Infection Rates’ much lower.
So as I posted on Tuesday – be considerate… follow the ‘confusing advice….help yourself by helping others….

According to the official Government guidance, the below groups are not required to wear a mask:

  • A child under the age of 11
  • An employee of the transport operator, when they are acting in the course of their employment
  • A constable or police community support officer acting in the course of their duty
  • An emergency response member of staff, such as a paramedic or fire officer acting in the course of their duty
  • An official such as a border force officer, acting in the course of their duties
  • If you are on board public transport but remain in your own vehicle, such as a car ferry

Other legitimate exemptions listed include those with a disability or a physical or mental illness, and anyone travelling with a deaf person who relies on lip reading to communicate. 

Wearers are also permitted to remove them if it is necessary to avoid harm or injury, as well as to eat or drink if required, to take medication, or if a police officer or other official requests you to do so.

Customers in shops will also be allowed to remove them if they are required to present identification for purchasing alcohol and other age-restricted products.

Face masks will be compulsory in shops and supermarkets from July 24, the Government have announced. Anyone who fails to adhere to the new rules will face a £100 fine.

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