Parking – Yellow Lines – Parking – Yellow Lines

I have been to ‘dozens’ of meetings where residents have been up in arms about ‘parking issues’ – they never go away. For every resident that wants Yellow Lines – there is the same number who do not want them – we as activists/councillors are caught in the middle.
Fast forward, recently (before I was re-elected) Local Highway Improvements submitted to Cambs Highways included several area’s of placing of Double-Yellow Lines.

Most of these were around junctions where ‘inconsiderate parkers’ were causing problems.
It is illegal (Highway Code) to park within 10 metres of a junction (that is measured from the centre of the junction) –
The police could try and enforce – but if they issue ‘tickets’ in one area they have to be seen to be consistent and issue tickets at all junctions – not going to happen.

By placing Double Yellow Lines at junctions re-inforces the Highway Code, and makes it very clear of No Parking – easier to enforce.

No Road Tax Ramsey Road

So now we come to Ramsey Road, where under the LHI Double Yellows were (advised on the telegraph pole adjacent) painted on the junction of Braemar Gardens and Ramsey Road, as can be seen, (Noddy picture) someone parked whilst the ‘painting was going on and a bit was missed out….Sometime later that void was filled in.

Residents complained (as they have done so in other parts of Whittlesey) that the length of the Yellow Lines did not comply with the orginal specifications.

Working with the other Councillors, Cllr Mrs Windle, Mason and CCC Connor, the said non compliant Yellows were cut back to where they were supposed to have been, at CCC Highways expense.

This made 2 extra parking spaces available – delighted residents.

Sometimes Highways do make mistakes, but it is getting put right that takes time.

Yellow Lines – some want them and some don’t…..

Did Noddy get a Parking Ticket – Oh No he did not – why – because he had a friend called PC Plod – We will not get into why Noddy has been ‘banned’ by many orgaisations –

Most kids loved Noddy and his friends during the 1950’s

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