Monthly Archives: June 2020

I’m Back …!!!!! Permission to Litter Pick Once More

We have now been given permission to ‘Litter-Pick’ again (subject to COVID-19 regs) some increase in Fly-Tipping within our area – (Stats will come out on Thursday) – Our town I was very pleased to report very tidy and that … Continue reading

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Short Cabinet Meeting @ FDC

Yesterdays meeting of the Overview and Security Committee…

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FDC Cabinet Meeting Today on YouTube 16:00

If you want to view on YouTube – You’ll need to register (YouTube) or have an account.

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Update Tony Hudgell – Keeps Going….

Latest update has now raised £368,934 as of 12:00pm today.

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New Defib Installed @ Whittlesey Town Council Offices

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FDC Discretionary Grant Update

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Update – Tony Hudgell Now @ £187,000+

Fantastic news this morning – featured on BBC TV – now raised over £187,000

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Scam That Has Happened in Whittlesey !!!!!

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Some Good News –

I am very pleased that our ‘friend’ – Andy (lives in Whittlesey) has been discharged from PCH – He was unfortunate to have contacted COVID-19 and has spent 8 weeks in hospital on a ventilator.. Being in his mid-30’s and … Continue reading

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Peace & Quiet – Earlier This Week…

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Governement Announcement Forlough Changes

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Tfl Fare Changes…

Maybe not that many Whittlesey execs working in London, but I know a few who still are.

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