Coronavirus (COVID-19) Roundup 15h May ONS

Hello – welcome to today’s edition of the coronavirus (COVID-19) roundup, a summary of our latest analysis related to the pandemic.

Today we have published analysis of deaths involving COVID-19 in care homes, as well as all deaths in March and April that had COVID-19 as the underlying cause of death. We have also looked at the characteristics of those classed as key workers. Some of the main points include:

  • More than a quarter (27.3%) of deaths of care home residents in England and Wales between 2 March and 1 May 2020 involved COVID-19
  • The majority (72.2%) of these deaths took place within care homes, but 27.5% occurred in hospital
  • Between 1 March and 30 April 2020, 95.0% of deaths involving COVID-19 had the virus assigned as the underlying cause of death
  • In 90.4% of cases, the person who died from COVID-19 had at least one pre-existing condition, with the most common main pre-existing condition being dementia and Alzheimer disease
  • Almost one-third of the workforce are considered key workers (10.6 million people), with women more likely than men to work in such occupations 
  • An estimated 15% of key workers had a health condition which leaves them at moderate risk from COVID-19

    Read the roundup

    Click on the link for further latest information from The Office of National Statistics.

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