Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Against Scams Partnership have put together advice on how to stay safe from criminals taking advantage of these challenging times.
As Covid-19 spreads rapidly across the work, a number of reports have emerged about fraudsters seizing the opportunity to defraud. To find out how to protect yourself, your family and friends, click on the link below: Kind regards Catherine Kimberley |
Message Sent By Catherine Kimberley (Police, OPCC Communications Officer, Cambridgeshire) |
- Whittlesey, GB17°Feels like: 14°CCloudy / Wind7:36 am3:57 pm GMT
Wind: 48km/h SSW
Humidity: 77%
Pressure: 990.86mbar
UV index: 0MonTueWed11°C / 3°C
9°C / 3°C
5°C / 2°C