Not In Last Place – Not Even Mentioned –

To say I have been inundated with complaints about FDC/CA (Fenland District Council/Combined Authority) latest press release is an understatement.
Those who came to me – are asking the wrong person – sorry I am doing my best but it was the Leader of FDC Cllr Chris Boden who made the communication – I am not a FDC Councillor but as you are very aware lobby at all levels and continue to do so.
Not in last place as Whittlesey appears to always be (except when there’s some bad news) – but not even a sniff of a mention, especially again after the ‘recent’ Master Plan communications.
On yet another communication – yesterday…

I just thought I would let you know that one horse Whittlesey continues to be exactly that, today  I had to go to the dentists in Yaxley for 9am left at 8-15 stopped outside the Letter B for 15 minutes turned round and went to the A605 and sat opposite the West End store for 20 minutes, gave up about  8-50 and came home, re-booked for a later appointment.
It must be very frustrating if you have to do that every day. I gather the drugs trade is thriving in Whittlesey, ++++ was telling me a few days ago that there was a lot of Russians attacking a house at am in the Limes to take over the cannabis that was growing in the house, police turned up after half an hour and it was all over and moved to West End.
All the best from one Horse Whittlesey (OHW)

RG Very sorry but I would think we’re a NO Horse Town the way things are going – just as frustrating for me….


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