Monthly Archives: July 2019

Whittlesey Neighbourhood Watch AGM

The AGM Of Whittlesey & District Neighbourhood Watch will be held on :- Wednesday 24th July 2019 at 7pm Whittlesey Town Council Offices – Grosvenor Road – Side door up the stairs (Chair lift available). See below our latest NHW … Continue reading

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Whittlesey’s Extravaganza Planning Well Advanced

10 members including myself attended last nights meeting – Remember – The Extravaganza Quiz Night is coming please book your team.

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New Systems @ Peterborough City Hospital & Health Providers

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Showfields On-Going Planning Application

Disclaimer: These observations are not the ‘official’ minutes of the meeting, these are supplied by Whittlesey Town Council, normally (1) month following the meeting and can be viewed on their website. As most people are aware of the building of … Continue reading

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HM Tax Scam – Again & Again

Sorry, but people are still falling for this scam – please be aware –

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Parking Machine & High Tech Whittlesea Station!!!!

At a meeting this evening (Planning) I spoke with a Whittlesey/FDC Councillor, who assured me that ‘Parking Charges’ at the Station will not happen….. his words not mine. So why have Greater Anglia (I presume) installed what looks like a … Continue reading

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First Parking Machine Arrives in Whittlesey

It has been reported that a NCP Machine has arrived at Whittlesea Railway Station. No one was advised and No consultation has taken place. It is understood that GA (Greater Anglia) has, following pressure from FDC, suspended implementing any car … Continue reading

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The Fake Police Scam Has Arrived Locally

As advised last week – the scam is being tried out in Peterborough – beware –

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Another Kebab Eatery…..

One Kebab shop is being replace by another one – Name – ‘Ottermans’

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Eastrea Village Hall – Fun Day

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WTC Full Council Agenda – Wednesday 10th July

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Walking Wardens – Lattersey Nature Reserve

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