12 members of Whittlesey Neighbourhood Watch attended their meeting last night.
Various items discussed being the usual Parking problems especially around schools.
The issue of people (None Patients) appear to be parking at The New Queen Street Surgery has stated again – this was covered a number of years ago, when I conducted a survey on behalf of the Surgery & PPG…. comes around again – It is a private car park and is the responsibility of the surgery.
How to report crimes, Littering, Fly-Tipping and Dog Fowling.
All this and much more on The Whittlesey NHW Website :- Click Here
Excellent report from Robin Sutton on the NHW Website and its content.
Our on-going commitment to helping our neighbours and especially the elderly and those who live on their own….we will be promoting this during this year.
We are planning a presentation and inter-active demonstration on ‘Scams’ during May and once the venue is confirmed will be promoting this further.
The date of the next planned NHW meeting (AGM) will be at 7:00pm on Wednesday 05th June…. At Whittlesey Town Council Offices.
For further information you can contact:
Roy Gerstner – roy.gerstner@ntlworld.com
Robin Sutton – robin55@btopenworld.com