Disclaimer: These observations are not the ‘official’ minutes of the meeting, these are supplied by Whittlesey Town Council, normally (1) month following the meeting and can be viewed on their website.
The agenda for this evenings meeting was published on the 16th March – below.
6 members of the public in attendance.
At the Public Forum, 3 members spoke,
(a) Licensing of Catteries
(b) Myself on the presentation of Persimmon Homes at last Wednesdays Full council meeting.
(c) A presentation from a Pondersbridge resident (Sorry didn’t get the name) on the proposed Anaerobic Digester Plant at Pondersbridge.
The main two items which were discussed at length were The reserved matters application by Persimmon Homes® for 220 houses on the Showfields site. Cllr Mrs Kay Mayor made several valid comments about the development, the on-going concerns and issues of flood water at Teal Road and Kingfisher Road, concerns about the so called management committee, the safety concerns regarding the ‘Ponds’, and Road concerns of the B1040 access. No or little notice is taken from historical/local knowledge.
The Town Council recommended refusal of this latest plan.
Remember WTC are only consultee’s and the ultimate decision will be taken by FDC planning committee, on which there are (2) Whittlesey councillors, Cllrs Alex Miscandlon and Dee Laws. (updated).
Cllr Ray Whitwell gave a good argument to refuse the Anaerobic Digester Plant at Pondersbridge. Too close to residential buildings, Noise, Pollution, Environmental impact and the number of HGV movements in/around a small village.
(Picture shows an indicative AD plant)
This application falls under Huntingdon District Council and representation is proposed when the application comes before their committee.