Some – Good News – Some Not So…

As you may be aware I am very passionate about ‘Rubbish’ – whether it be locally or globally. The momentum on The Great Plastic issues is moving forward – slowly I accept but at least ‘some’ are making an impact.

Plastic straws will be phased out, biodegradable packaging will be used and water will be served in glass bottles.

The Queen is banning the use of single-use plastics across all Royal estates, Buckingham Palace has confirmed.
Measures include the phasing out of plastic straws in public cafes at Royal residences and in staff dining rooms.
Internal catering staff will now only use china plates, glasses and recyclable paper cups as well as biodegradable packaging for takeaway food items.
Read Story on Sky News Here

MPs to make plastics pledge to tackle pollution
Politicians will make a commitment after it emerged more than a million disposable coffee cups were used in Parliament last year.
MPs will pledge to cut their use of single-use plastics in order to lead by example in tackling pollution in the world’s oceans.
Parliamentarians will make a commitment to reduce the use of items such as plastic straws and plastic cutlery in their daily lives.

The problem of plastic pollution will be brought home to MPs by the arrival of Plasticus, the Sky Ocean Rescue whale, outside Parliament.

Made up of a quarter of a ton of plastic, Plasticus represents the amount of plastic that enters the world’s oceans every second.
Read Story on Sky News Here

FACT – Two-thirds of the plastic Britons put in the recycling bin is sent abroad – but some just ends up in landfill or polluting the local environment.
We are sending vast amount overseas and into our own Landfills – one day this will come back to haunt in the not too distance future – certainly the next generation will suffer.

© Pictures and articles Sky News


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