Today @ FDC

I attended the Cabinet meeting (as an observer) and the full meeting of the council today.
The agenda’s for both were published earlier on this web-blog.

The Cabinet meeting was strait forward and sailed through the agenda’d items – good news being Fenlands has a fairly healthy financial position. (35 Minutes)
Full meeting (55 Minutes)

You can view all public meeting by going to YouTube™ and searching for
Fenland District Council or you can Click Here

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WTC Planning Meeting Agenda – Monday 15th July

WTC Planning Agenda Monday 15th July 2024
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WTC Finance & Policy Agenda Monday 15th July

20240715 Finance {Policy Agenda Monday 15th July 2024
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Pondersbridge Planning Application

The below application sits just outside of Whittlesey/Fenland, however many of the residents who live in our area of Pondersbridge are affected by this application…
The parish area is Farcet.

(c) Farcet – 24/00066/S73 (Pages 71 – 92)
Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) and 13 (feedstock limit) of 22/01107/FUL
to amend design/layout and increase amount of total feedstock tonnage permitted
in 12 month period by 15% – Collmart Growers Ltd, The Drove, Pondersbridge,
Huntingdon, PE26 2TP

This application is referred to the Development Management
Committee (DMC) because the Officer recommendation of
approval is contrary to the Parish Council’s recommendation.

The agenda and paperwork can be views by going to Hunts DC Website Click Here

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Fenland District Council Full Meeting – Agenda 15th July

FDC Agenda frontsheet 15072024 1600 Council
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FDC Cabinet Meeting Agenda Monday 15th July

The Public Pack which accompanies the Agenda can be Read Here

FDC Agenda frontsheet 15072024 1400 Cabinet
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Pathway News This Week…..

Pathway News 240712-01
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Civil Parking Enforcement – Consultation CCC

Not really sure who/how this consultation effects us in Fenland, as our CPE is advanced but stalled for various reasons (see below)

1/ CCC have not been helpful I understand.
2/ Costs have been escalating the longer the process takes (some years).

Read the statement and complete the survey (3 minutes max) Click Here

llegal on street parking across the four Fenland towns could remain a nightmare for years to come after Fenland Council announced a £500,000 funding gap has forced it to ‘pause’ the introduction of civil parking enforcement (CPE).

Read the article on CambsNews Website© Click Here

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Tennis Will Be Returning Soon To Whittlesey Manor

Today being the men’s singles final at Wimbledon, I thought I’d update with the latest news of ‘Tennis @ The Manor’.

Some 2 years – yes you read it correctly since myself and Ex Cllr David Mason lobbied and secured £70+K for enhancements to the Netball/Tennis Courts.
The Fencing was completed (not to everyones satisfaction) earlier this year, the surface was repaired and repainted (not to everyones satisfaction) and the new LED Lighting is to be installed (awaiting comments) imminently.

This has been a somewhat arduous project for not only myself.

Light is at the end of the tunnel – hopefully, I am informed that a ‘lease’ to the Whittlesey
Tennis Club is almost to be signed (Septemeber) – once this is in place – they will be the organisation to make booking/tuition etc.

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Whittlesey Town Council Agenda For Thursday 18th July

Full Council Agenda Thursday18th July 2024
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Volunteers Event – Today – Good Engagement


I joined a little later in the morning but understand some 15 or so ‘Volunteer Groups’ had attended and had some very good networking.

It has been a number of years since I was down the Whittlesey Athletics Football Club, and was blown away in how the site has developed over the years.

Some very good plans for the future.

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Another Good Meeting…

Just 11 of us attending the ‘older drivers awareness’ meeting this afternoon, run by Cambs Fires Service in partnership with Cambs Police.
Feedback – found it very educating and useful…..

Older Driver Workshops-Cambs Fire Service

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