WTC – Report #1

WTC Paperwork 241017

Below the ‘Camper Van’ which was causing concern to some residents.
I did engage with the owner – who seemed a very nice gentleman – who informed me on how he disposed of his rubbish.

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Breaking News From Cllr Boden – Road Issues Whittlesey – #2

Briefing Note Whittlesey TM- UPDATED 11 Oct 2024
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Breaking News From Cambs CC – Road Issues Whittlesey – #1

CCC Traffic Update 17 October 2024
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Just Keep On Building #3

So not tomorrow or next week, or even next year – but looking likely within 2/3 years.
There are issues (School) of which the applicant is setting aside land for a new school, however Cambc CC have no money allocated for a new school in Coates (at present).
There was a public consultaion last year.

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I have to say, somewhat surprised that the first weed control worked pretty well considering there had not been any done for nearly 2 years.

After a ‘lot’ of complaints from all over Cambridgeshire – Cambs CC decided to re-instate ‘Weed Control’

The 2nd Round is about to begin.

Coates 19th November
Whittlesey 7 & 8 November
Pondersbridge 19th November
Turves 19th November  

There is no listing for Eastrea.

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Update # 4 Petition To Cambs CC About Grid-Locked Roads – Whittlesey

Since the last posting 3 days ago, another 101 people have signed the petition – now stands at 532 – a lot more is needed, please sign the petition by clicking on the link….

Click Here To Sign Petition

Note this has been placed on the WTC Agenda for tonights WTC Meeting.

A petition has been brought forward by Cllr Saeed Arman, for ALL to sign on the Cambs CC Web-Portal regarding the for-ever ongoing problems on the A605 and B1040 (Months).

I would encourage that as many sign this petition to send a clear message to Cambs CC that the current situation is not acceptable.

You can sign the petition by visiting…..(click on link)

Click Here To Sign Petition

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WTC – Full Council Agenda – Thursday 17th October

Full Council Agenda Thursday 17th October 2024
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Just Keep On Building #2

I just wonder – When a developer comes along to build 247 houses, do they know the ‘real’ issues that a community is facing.
Do ‘they’ have a moral responsibility in their actions or are they in it to just make money.

I don’t know how many times I’ve used the word ‘travesty’ in several planning applications for Whittlesey.

Even taking out our latest ‘challenges’ of the KD Bridge and the B1040 Traffic Lights/Flooding, our road network has become much much worse having to cope with hundreds of extra housing that has already been delivered and of course many more to come.

Schools come under Cambs CC and there is a legal obligation to provide school places, maybe not always the school of choice.
Doctors and Dentists do not come under the same type of remit and are funded differently.

Did you know that NQS gets from the Government £107 per patient.

We are all fighting for the same things – daily some of us are dealing with these issues, we can not make excuses because there are none.
We rely on the hierarchy at much higher levels – alas very quiet from those in power.

Even when our MP Barclay wrote a letter recently about the possible expansion of waste being processed at Saxon Works – He got his facts wrong – someone didn’t feed him all the correct information -.

We soldier onwards and see what our town has to cope with next….

Perhaps remember my quote –
What Whittlesey Wants – It Usually Doesn’t Get.
What Whittlesey Doesn’t Want – It Usually Gets.

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Just Keep On Building –

On watching the whole planning application F/YR23/0245 – Some of the Planning Committee (not Cllr Sennitt-Clough) have no issues with the traffic on the A605
They believe once the Ralph Butcher Causeway is repaired all will be fantastic.
They accept the historical issues of the B1040 flooding, CCC Highways were present at the meeting and they admitted the challenges of the A605 but said the cumulative effects did not warrant them to object.

This site was a none allocated site for development in the Whittlesey Local Plan.
The Planning Committee voted 4 to 1 to go with officer recommendation to approve the development. (Cllr Sennitt Clough – voted against the proposal).

F/YR23/0705  Again the site was a none allocated site for development – not in the Local Plan.

(click on picture to enlarge)

Applicant explained it will be around 2 years to get all the permissions in place before the start of build – the build program could take at least 5 years.
249 Houses and No Pedestrian Crossing – Highways said there will be a refuge area for pedestrians.
The Planning Committee voted 4 to 1 to go with officer recommendation to approve the development. (Cllr Sennitt Clough – voted against the proposal).

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FDC Planning Committee Approve Both Applications – More Houses.

From Cllr Barry Wainwright.

I would like to express my thanks to Councillor Sennitt-Clough for her efforts to hold back the rising flood of housing developments in Whittlesey today.

Though she put up a robust defence, she was unfortunately unsuccessful and was outvoted on both applications.

But, thank you for trying.

Best Regards,
Barry Wainwright

More details later.

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Day Of Reckoning – Could Planners Approve 424 New Houses

Today/this afternoon Fenland District Council’s Planning Committee meet at 1pm to decided on 2 appications for Whittlesey.

Application one is for 175 homes south of 250 Drybread Road, Whittlesey, with the applicant being Alison Homes Ltd.

The second is from Rose Homes (EA) Limited for 249 homes north of 271-311 Eastrea Road, Whittlesey.

Whittlesey town council is recommending the committee refuses both applications.

Planning Officers recommend both are approved.

It is very disappointing that no one is listening to us….(me and others) including the New Queen Street Surgery who have stated before they are at capacity – and we all know how difficult it is to bee seen by a doctor.
However Doctors are not a reason for refusing an application, however what I don’t understand is after years and thousands of £££ putting together a ‘Local Plan’ which was passed by all the authorities, stands do nothing to stop developments as these – on which the land was not designated for building……does that mean the Local Plan was a complete waste of time and money – it is looking that way – however we will have to wait and see if any priority is given to the Local Plan this afernoon.

Note I am no longer a member of the FDC or WTC Planning Committee’s

You can view the meeting live or watch later on YouTube’s FDC Channel.

FDC Agenda frontsheet 16102024 1300 Planning Committee

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Building Work Begins – Coates – Lincolnshire Co-Op

When this came to FDC Planning, there were quite a number of objections, some planning related and some not.
I made strong representation on the fact that Vehicles speeding through that area was very high and the highest recorded was over 100mph.
Not against the development however ‘Highways’ had no issues (again) with the facts.

Sincerely hope that with the nearby school that enhanced speed checks are carried out
(I will ask).

Lincolnshire Co-Op are very community focused and have supported many organisations within the Whittlesey area.

Expected to be completed by Mid-2025

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