Launch of the Housing, Mental Health and Substance Misuse Toolkit on 03/02/22

Dear Members of the Drugs & Alcohol Misuse Delivery Board

Many thanks to all for your help putting this Toolkit together.  You can find the Toolkit at

This was launched on 3rd February 2022 on a page on Cambridgeshire Insight, this provides a little background and gives the aims of the toolkit, who should use it, etc.

This page includes some useful resources:-

  • A link to the pdf Toolkit itself
  • A set of slides which take you through the content and some “top tips“ to use the Toolkit
  • A video which is based on the slides, with footage of Sue talking you through them, by way of a mini training tool
  • A media pack with includes all the information you might need when sharing the Toolkit – links to the logo image file, the toolkit, the slides, the URL etc.
  • The email address use for sending feedback

The Toolkit will only help everyone if we all share it and use it, so I’m asking for your help putting a link to it on your websites, in newsletters, mentioning at team meetings and so forth.

We can attend some meetings to talk it through if needed, but are hoping the 9 minute video might reduce the need for too many personal appearances😊.

Please do get in touch if you have any queries or questions and please do also encourage feedback from anyone who uses it, to the email address [email protected].

With many thanks, again, for all your help putting the Toolkit together and getting it this far.
Kind regards.
Sue Beecroft
Housing coordinator

The Housing Board for Cambridgeshire

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