In my role as Chairman of Whittlesey & District NHW, I have now completed the necessary data protection paperwork and received training on the ‘Household Support Fund’ a £500 million initiative by the Government to County Councils.
The fund is to help those in need for:
Food and essential supplies.
Paying for gas, electricity or water within their home
Other essential supplies such as repairs to a boiler or help with purchasing oil.
The purchasing of White Goods
Naturally there are criteria that applicants must be eligible in order to qualify.
Click Here For Further Information
I am here to support any local resident within our WTC area, either directly by completing the paperwork for them, or assisting them if they are able to do so themselves.
The benefit is normally in a ‘voucher’ format – however in exceptional circumstances can be made at a paypoint terminal.
This initiative is not to replace or substitute any other organisations and at present run until the end of March.