Warning of Crimes in Whittlesey & Area…

I have just received a note from the police about crimes in the last couple of weeks. Following on from a distraction burglary in Whittlesey there have been two more in the area since. Please keep a  look out for suspicious behaviour. These criminals tend to prey on the elderly or vulnerable most so keep an extra eye on any residents that fit into this group.

There have also been vehicle crimes in the Burnt House Road and Drybread Road areas.

Earlier in the year the allotment owners had items taken from sheds. Peterborough are currently seeing issues on allotments, so if you have an allotment or know someone who has it would be a good time to remind allotment owners to ensure they remember to make sure all property is clearly marked, that where possible large items are chained within sheds and that sheds are secure, and if possible alarmed.

This is not a crime wave but it is a warning that times are difficult and people are a little more vulnerable at the moment. Crime can be prevented very effectively by taking preventative actions and making sure that residents report suspicious behaviour.

Robin @ NHW Whittlesey

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